
Information about privacy
(Art. 12 FF DSGVO I.V. m. §§ 32 ff bdsg)

Dear patient,

The protection of your personal data is the highest priority with us. As part of your Treatment falls data about you, which of our company for the treating doctors to fulfill the treatment contract in the necessary extent have to be processed. According to the EU Privacy Policy (DSGVO) are we obliged to inform you for what purpose our Companies as a service provider for physician data levies, stores or forwards. Of the Information can also be found out which rights are you in terms of privacy have.

1. Responsibility for Data Processing

Responsible for data processing is:

Rahn Datenschutz GmbH
Herr Sebastian Bedorf Heinz-Nixdorf-Straße 12 41179 Mönchengladbach
Telefon: +49 2161 277 173 3 E-Mail: [email protected]

2. Purpose of data processing

Data processing takes place due to legal requirements to the Treatment contract between you and your doctor and the associated To fulfill obligations and to carry out the treatment.
For this purpose, we process your personal data, especially yours Personal health data. These include anamneses, diagnoses, Therapy suggestions and findings we, your private sold or other doctors in Collapse related treatment. For these purposes we can Other doctors or psychotherapists in which they are in treatment Provide (e.g., medical letters).
The collection of health data is a prerequisite for your treatment. Will The necessary information is not provided, can be careful treatment not done.
The internal processing of the data by medical personnel takes place for the purpose the treatment and billing of the services provided to them, for clarification from medical and from your insurance policy questions. Processing can also for example for the purpose of performing a Interdisciplinary exchange of diagnostics and therapy, for the purpose of pre-, with- and Further treatment, the administrative settlement (so administration, Billing, controlling, creation of findings, medical letters, etc.). Legal basis of this data processing are Art. 6, Art. 9 DSGVO, § 22 BDSG, §§ 630a ff. BGB.
Processing can also for the purpose of conducting clinical trials be used. The aim of this clinical trials is to the evidence for the Treatment with medical cannabis and to expand future patients Access to a therapy with Medizinalcannabis to facilitate or facilitate. The medical confidentiality and data protection regulations will be complied with. The data important for clinical trials becomes anonymous form stored, evaluated and, if necessary, passed on to universities. It All reasonable steps are taken to protect their data according to to ensure the data protection standard of the European Union. The data are secured against unauthorized access. There are no personal disadvantages for them. With their approval, they contribute to the necessary data collection, from the Patients can benefit.

3. Possible recipients of your data

We submit your personal (health) data within the framework of the Appeal only to third parties, if required by law or You have agreed. We never intervene unless your data to other doctors, Health insurance companies, cashier associations, or other institutions.

Third parties are in particular:
- The treating private inspiration
- Health Insurance
- Support doctors, further, follow-up and co-treated doctors
- Other health care facilities and / or treatment
- Sales companies
- External data processor (so-called order processor)
- Collaboration partners for clinical trials (universities)

We only keep your personal data for as long as this is necessary for the Performing the treatment is required.
Due to legal requirements, we are obliged to keep this data at least ten To be kept for years after the end of treatment. According to other regulations longer retention periods may arise, for example 30 years for X-ray recordings in accordance with Section 28 Paragraph 3 of the X-ray Ordinance.


In principle, you have the rights of the data subject under Articles 15-18, 20-21 GDPR. she have the right to information about your personal data obtain. You can also request that incorrect data be corrected.

In addition, you have the right under certain conditions Deletion of data, the right to restrict data processing and the Right to data portability.

The processing of your data takes place on the basis of legal regulations. Only in In exceptional cases we need your consent. In those cases, you have that Right to withdraw consent for future processing.

You also have the right to contact the competent supervisory authority for the Complain about data protection if you believe that your personal data is not lawfully made.

The address of the supervisory authority responsible for us is:

State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information North Rhine-Westphalia

P.O. Box 20 04 44
40102 Düsseldorf
Tel .: 0211 / 38424-0
Fax: 0211 / 38424-999
Email: [email protected]

The legal basis for the processing of your data is Article 9 Paragraph 2 Letter h) GDPR in connection with Paragraph 22 Paragraph 1 No. 1 lit. b) Federal Data Protection Act.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.