Our team at canncura is pleased that you have decided to seek cannabis therapy from us. Together with our medical team, we would like to accompany and support you individually. In order to include you in our internal patient database, we require the information requested in this master data sheet. Your data will be treated with the utmost care and will only be accessible to our medical staff. Disclosure of any information is strictly prohibited within the framework of doctor-patient confidentiality.
Please make sure that your data is correct, as it must be identical to the data on your identity card/passport. Any medical documents, for example prescriptions, will only remain valid if the personal data match completely.
I hereby confirm that all my personal data is correct.
kleinschreibung & Grosschreibung
Nummer (0-9)
Sonderzeichen (+-!@#$%^&*)
>10 Zeichen
(All fields are required)
Declaration of consent regarding data protection
Dear patient,
We require your consent for the processing of your data and services for our treating physicians, the billing of services rendered and for the processing of your data for research purposes. You explain
I hereby expressly consent to the following:
1. Disclosure of all data related to your treatment, in particular name, address, date of birth, treatment data,
Treatment courses for the purpose of billing and assertion to canncura GmbH, Charlottenstr. 61, 51149 Cologne or a subsidiary.
2. Evaluation of your anonymized data for research purposes and if necessary, forwarding of your data to universities in anonymised form. Third parties do not have access to personal documents. In the Your name will also not be disclosed to the publication of the results of the study.
3. Assignment of the claims resulting from the treatment to canncura GmbH.
4. passing on all personal data collected in connection with this master data collection for the initial presentation to the attending physician.
I hereby give my consent for data processing and signup:
Signature (using your mouse):